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Dan posted:

Had an email through today from a gentleman who would like to hire 3 C5's in January in Leicestershire.  If anyone can help out let me know and I will pass your details on
posted on: 01/11/2013 18:26:55

C5mick posted:

Hi Dan
Is there a price mentioned for this hiring,
posted on: 01/11/2013 21:45:55

Dan posted:

[quote=C5mick;1598]Hi Dan
Is there a price mentioned for this hiring,

Hi Mick,

He hasn't mentioned a price, I will pass your question on to him. Let me know if you want his email address?
posted on: 01/11/2013 21:52:37

C5mick posted:

Hi Dan
It would have to be worth my while lugging three C5's to Leicester.
Perhaps someone closer would take up the offer if they knew what was on offer.
posted on: 02/11/2013 23:12:14

dave posted:

I would have to hire a van or two in the bk and 1 on the roof
posted on: 03/11/2013 14:04:31

C5mick posted:

3 seperate C5 and a mini meet, may be an idea
posted on: 03/11/2013 16:55:29