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Dan posted:

I'm no expert with 24v C5's, I have one and want to know what other 24v owners use to keep the motor cool?  Any links would be great
posted on: 23/09/2013 20:14:12


[size=7][/size]Hi there Dan regarding fans .Most of them have a very low flow rate (some down to 10 cfm)which may just blow dandylion seeds of into the air)What you want is a high flow rate starting at say 90cfm The higher the better (117.7cfm = 200.4 m3/hour)I know the high flow rate will also be using more power but I think we would rather keep the motor cool than have a burnt out motor/gearbox .But you could have the fan to be temp controled to switch on off saving power ..
Here are some fans on ebay That I have picked out but there are plenty more to choose from .Item Nos 350575975071 / 390636051089 /350575975095 all with ceramic shafts but dont forget the check the sizes you want ....And please note theseare 12 volt...
posted on: 24/09/2013 20:34:33

Dan posted:

Yikes, 120mm I'll need to re-design the fan connector if thats the best size. The connector can currently only do 80/90mm
posted on: 25/09/2013 16:55:37


Hi there Dan if you that would be great ....Chas
posted on: 25/09/2013 18:18:55