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Jonatan posted:

Hello People,
I am very unhappy about the state of my C5 recently. The Control box has burnt out again, giving me a very hard time. I have been browsing across this website and have noticed some Touch - Screen C5s. I really love the fact and was asking myself, if soneone can make one for me. I am a complete idiot when it comes to micro controllers and really am not good. Now, can someone make one for me and how much would it cost? Please, send me an offer someone. I am hoping to get sone replys soon! :-)

posted on: 02/09/2013 19:41:36

dave posted:

Your looking at 130 to 150 for the bits to make it then the time to solder and wire everything up ? Hope that helps if it don't go BANG but its a nice bit of kit to have
posted on: 02/09/2013 19:49:20

Jonatan posted:

Well, okay. Just one question... Is it hard? Is it really fustrating hard for an amateur? I think I am not up to it... Do you offer complete kits?

posted on: 02/09/2013 19:58:35

dave posted:

Can you solder ? It just takes time mate
posted on: 02/09/2013 20:04:44

Jonatan posted:

Hi dave,
sure I can solder, its just that I always screw up on these things. I always try stuff like that, yet it always goes wrong... In the end it never works and its just somewhere in the corner. If it wernt for that, I wouldnt be asking for help...

posted on: 02/09/2013 20:09:06

dave posted:

If I've done it you can to ? All you av to do is follow the pics that dan did you can do it to its the programing stuff that gives you headache lol
posted on: 02/09/2013 20:15:24

Jonatan posted:

Yes, the programming stuff is my fear... If I would save up my money to buy me a XPOD, could someone program it for me? Thats the Only thing I cannot do at all. Also, where do I get the soildering board from?

posted on: 02/09/2013 20:24:17

Jonatan posted:

If I've done it you can to ? All you av to do is follow the pics that dan did you can do it to its the programing stuff that gives you headache lol
also remember I am 13... I bet you cant say that if you can make it, I will too as I bet I only have halve the knowledge in this topic as you! :-)

posted on: 02/09/2013 20:27:12

Dan posted:

[quote=Jonatan;1030]Hi dave,
sure I can solder, its just that I always screw up on these things. I always try stuff like that, yet it always goes wrong... In the end it never works and its just somewhere in the corner. If it wernt for that, I wouldnt be asking for help...


What if I sold you a fully soldered board? How are you at wiring, you must be good I can explain what wires connect to where.  Along with the board theres additional purchases such as Relay, Current sensor, RTC module, LCD screen and suitable project boxes to house everything.

Its important to note that this is a complete replacement for the original C5 electrics and is a considerable undertaking. All bulbs (front/back lights/indicators) need to be low power LED's, though you don't need to connect indicators if you don't have them.  Be wary too that this may devalue your C5 especially if you have original indicators and start chopping the wires off

Don't worry about the programming stuff, there is no programming involved (I've done all that for you). What happens is you connect the Arduino to a PC (via USB) and upload the software to the board, its all free and easy to do.  I will make a detailed post soon showing how to upload software to the boards and theres plenty of examples on

I think that anyone who wants to install this kit needs a good understanding of how it works in order to know how to look after it and also know how to upload software.
posted on: 02/09/2013 20:36:40

Jonatan posted:

Hi everyone,
I have been buying too much stuff for my C5 lately and my budget is currently ... Well... lets say I dont have a budget anymore... I will save up for everything and when I am finished, (Il clean the car, sell my old stuff) Il get the board from you. So, what youd recon the price would be? I just wanna know so I know how much I need ro save up. And yes, im an expert in relays and wiring, I could make a fully working 1980 Relay elevator if I had all the components...

posted on: 03/09/2013 03:59:16