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Doc Holliday posted:

First Pic´s from my C5 Blushing

daily use to get with the Dog´s but soon with "touch" and a recent clean up Cool

posted on: 13/08/2013 11:28:02

Dan posted:

Nice!  I like the indicators, you've got a lot of extras up front
posted on: 14/08/2013 07:59:48

Doc Holliday posted:

The front indicators are from Ford Ka - the back ones are universals, . . .
posted on: 14/08/2013 13:03:09

Doc Holliday posted:

Hi all,
now I´m stranded, . . .

I knew that the Axle were bend allready when I bought my C5, . . .
But after two years nearly daily driving, . . .



posted on: 11/08/2015 08:24:12

Karl posted:

This really looks like a case of "oops". Hope you can get it up and running again without too much pain and stress.

posted on: 12/08/2015 14:28:27