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derek.maguire.100 posted:

Hi. I have just added a laptop tou the arsenal of electronics that dominate our lives.

I have C5 owners site as automatic log in on the desktop but cannot log on to site on laptop....this is probably because the password I am using is wrong. There seems to be no record on the "saved passwords" of an entry for me to use.. how can I change my password please............ddddddd
posted on: 03/08/2013 16:49:13

Dan posted:

[quote=derek.maguire.100;847]Hi. I have just added a laptop tou the arsenal of electronics that dominate our lives.

I have C5 owners site as automatic log in on the desktop but cannot log on to site on laptop....this is probably because the password I am using is wrong. There seems to be no record on the "saved passwords" of an entry for me to use.. how can I change my password please............ddddddd[/quote]

Ah okay, yeah I forget my password a lot with new computers To change your password, on the computer you normally use to view the site, go to My Profile and then Change Password but that involves you knowing your existing password.  So for now I've reset your password, you should receive an email with a new password.

You'll probably need to login again on any machine you use to connect to the site.
posted on: 03/08/2013 19:11:52