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dave posted:

Thinking of getting a summer runaround like an MG ? Any ideas guys
posted on: 31/07/2013 11:29:14

Dan posted:

What's wrong with a Volvo?
posted on: 31/07/2013 16:41:21

Guest posted:

Thinking of getting a summer runaround like an MG ? Any ideas guys

Hey Dave, have you got fed up with where you are in Hull bud..... You thinking of hair dressing somewhere , those holes on the dash are for lipstick.

..... Come on have a word with yourself and stick with your Voly.
posted on: 31/07/2013 16:42:26

dave posted:

Marra I was thinking about the old classic mg not the c--p rover made if I go one of them id drive it right over the park at the back and into the river hull only trouble s---e floats
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:13:23

Guest posted:

Marra I was thinking about the old classic mg not the c--p rover made if I go one of them id drive it right over the park at the back and into the river hull only trouble s---e floats

I thought you meant hair dressers overtime sucker from the cylinder head blower .
OK then, classic it is. A good following and stock parts for those Shed some doe out and get the MGB GT
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:19:18

dave posted:

With nice shiny ones
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:22:11

dave posted:

The rover models are c--p its like the mini you can't beat the classics and rover with the mg badge was a no no
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:27:32